Thursday, August 27, 2009

Giving a due credit

In November, 1985 100 years from the date of N.N.Anichkova's birth were executed. The Scientific community of all world has celebrated this date and on advantage has estimated N.N.Anichkova's big contribution and its schools in the doctrine about an atherosclerosis.
N.N.Anichkov has shown that an atherosclerosis - the isolated illness, instead of a consequence of aging of an organism as some scientists represented. N.N.Anichkov and its employees have established that at an atherosclerosis the internal cover of arteries (intim) first of all is surprised. Owing to penetration from blood plasma in an intim and accumulation in it of cholesterol and others lipids.

Monday, August 17, 2009

What are the hormones affect your skin?

The optimal hormonal balance - the key to a beautiful figure and healthy skin. Increasingly, however, found women with any problems arising from breach of hormone levels. Three types of glands in the body completely define the appearance of man:
1. Glands of external secretion emit sweat, sebum out.
2. Endocrine glands trigger substance directly into the blood, mixed them all over his body.
3. Gland secretions mixed (sexual and pancreas) have a double effect.
On the skin is influenced by many glands and their hormones:
1. Pituitary gland, located at the base of the skull makes female figure fine, affects the distribution of subcutaneous fat. In lowering its reduced development and other hormones, and because the skin becomes pale, dry, covered with wrinkles and loses its elasticity.
2. The thyroid gland is located in the larynx, and its work depends on the consumption of iodine. If the gland function following changes occur: increased sweating, the skin becomes sensitive to touch (the white and red spots, dermografizm), mostly vlazhneet and blushes. If you decline the work thyroid problems: skin becomes dry and rough, it appears flakes, hair fall out.
3. Pancreas head of insulin, and a violation of her work is the development of diabetes. In diabetic skin adhesive, and a pale, education tends to boil, with exposed areas capillaries.
4. Hormones or adrenal corticosteroids - the most important in terms of cosmetics because affect sexual maturation, the allergic reaction. When they start increasing the excess hair growth in women, leading to accumulation of fat on the back, abdomen and face. With their decline is severe weight loss and skin pigmentation.
5. Ovarian sex hormones are responsible for the development of sexual characteristics of women, rounded body, the proper deposition of fat in the hips, breast development. Lack of these hormones make the skin thin and tender, cover with cold hands and then affects the volatility of menstruation, reduces the development of mammary glands. Excess hormones, particularly male, resulting ovolosenie, development of muscles, excessive sebum.

information on the use of preservatives

In JECFA flows all the information on the use of preservatives. If any substance has been allowed previously to cause suspicion, the Committee of Experts has the right to strike it from the list of certified supplements. For example, most recently, the organization recommended that dramatically reduce the consumption of the dye eritrozina often used in wine. Scientists have suggested that the iodine contained in this compound may interfere with the thyroid gland. The slightest doubt in the safety of additives was enough for the instantaneous reaction of the international experts. This is not the only example: in the past fifty years, Europeans have banned more than forty suspicious of food additives. However, cases of rejection is becoming more and more rare. Experts explain this by saying that patented preservatives has been received re-verification and prove its neutrality in relation to human health.

Now is the time to leave, how to protect the chest from exposure to the sun?

- Lights should be morning or afternoon, be sure to dry bathing suit. Firstly to avoid pereohladit chest, and secondly, remember that ultraviolet rays are more attracted to wet bathing suits. As a physician, I must warn: before sunbathing topless, visit mammology and seek his permission.

- Can trauma provoke breast disease?

- Can. Even minimal trauma can trigger the occurrence of subsequent cancer. Any attacks, falls, accidental shocks - all of which can cause disease in the future.

- Does it matter which bra is a woman?

- Yes. Often, to visually enlarge breasts woman buys a bra for the size smaller. This leads to a small breasts bra stretched ligaments and it will lead to obvisaniyu, disturbed circulation and stagnation of blood occurs. Underwear should not interfere with breathing, squeezing the vessels. Women with large breast bra must be worn on a broad bretelkah. Breast should be borne in a cup, a shoulder should not constrain the movement and breath. During the fitting, make sure that the front and rear of the brassiere are at the same level. If you picked the right bra, it should not go up when you raise your hands. Carefully choose bra and sports. Otherwise, after some time, the fight against stretch marks.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

One man loses his money and becomes gray overnight

Hypothyroidism Treatment : Premature signs of aging present us with another group of warnings that the destructive drive is at work. We age, not by years, but by events and our emotional reactions to them. One man loses his money and becomes gray overnight. Another man suffers reverses, struggles for a period, and then finds a new direction and forges ahead once more. He may show the scars of his bout with adversity, a few new lines in his lace, but he has refused to submit. Instead he has exerted himself to put forth new creative efforts.
Among our millions of widows in the United States we have ample opportunity to observe the effect of the same experience on different women. Chronological age seems to have little to do with the difference in reactions.

occupational spasms

Hypothyroidism Treatment : The same textbook talks of "occupational spasms" which affect pi­anists, violinists, flutists, tinsmiths, and watchmakers. But in the case of milkers, in whose hands there was only rarely found a neuritis or other anatomical cause, the condition was called an occupational neurosis, and the milker a "man of neuropathic condition."
The neurologist Moritz adds, parenthetically and with a question mark: "(Anxiety may be primary?)".
The annals of great creative workers are full of tragic evidences of the self-destructive drive. Renoir, plagued by gout at the prime of his life withdrew from Paris to Provence where he spent his last years painting with his brushes strapped to his crippled hand. He doggedly persisted against the unconscious destructive drive, defeating himself and yet painting, displaying himself to the world in the heroic role of a martyr to his work.

suggests physical reasons for the disability

Hypothyroidism Treatment : There is a whole group of minor ailments which might be called occupational, like the waiter's flat feet. A medical textbook (Von Mering-Krehl: Internal Medicine) mentions a sickness dating from pre-typewriter days, called mogigraphy, the inability to write. Students, clerks in business firms, and others who spent long days pushing a pen across paper were its victims.
With the characteristic medical approach, the text suggests physical reasons for the disability: probably the penholder was too thin, or the pen itself was too sharp or too blunt. Not for a moment was it suggested that the victim might be protesting against his dreary lifelong task.
After much research, in the course of which he only rarely found a periostitis (inflammation of the bone) or a neuritis (inflammation of the nerve), a leading neurologist of the time came to the conclusion that "these individuals are neurasthenic" and probably worry and grief were involved and some such "psychic influences" as embarrassment and excitement. His verdict, by the way, was: incurable.

imagine the emotion

It is possible to imagine the emotion with which, following the failure of his crucial production, he greeted the significant day. Sud­denly, and for the first time in a life filled with creative activity, he must have known himself to be an old man. People no longer under­stood him or, what was worse, he had gone beyond understanding them. There was no prospect of rising to a higher peak than that from which he had fallen. Every new attempt would be at best an effort to re­capture a lost eminence. His wife, an actress, had remained in California to further her own career.
Alone, he went to the seashore, brooding. He had every reason to believe that his show was over.
But he had financial obligations. His possessions and his very con­siderable fortune had been either confiscated by the Nazis or frozen be­cause of the war. He was urged to revive a production which had been an outstanding success abroad. His name had great drawing power, and many people stood ready to back him in this venture. He let himself be persuaded.
Yet this was only a technical resurrection of showy craftsmanship which he was undertaking to produce. From his point of view it was bare of creative art; it was to be done only for the sake of money. He was a proud man. He was tired; he had no wish to resume the battle. He had abdicated.
When he went to make the telephone call, to set the date for those rehearsals which he surely wished might never take place, the conflict within him had doubtless reached its climax. The dog fight was really unimportant except that, being an expression of hostility, it kindled his own hostile impulses which otherwise he had been able to control. Any ordinary occurrence, a loud voice in the street perhaps, might have pre­cipitated the spasm. It might have come upon him during the night, or during rehearsals or at any stage in the preparation of the production. The emotional setting for illness was ripe.
The prospect of giving his talents to a work without creative possi­bilities was the death knell of his creative instinct. Significantly, the destructive drive thrust its dynamic power against those centers in the brain where are located the skills of gesture, of motion, of speech, (hose very skills which had been the medium of this man's genius. Modern psychoanalytic psychology has gathered a wealth of evidence lo convince us that the choice of the organ or organs to be attacked by illness is not accidental, but is related to the whole personality.
Now we can see why elementary speech lessons upset him; he had lifi-ii the acclaimed master of speech, skillful with every nuance. Now wo understand why the test of his writing threw him into a black de-i>irssion. His whole life had been devoted to the arts of communication nl uk-as. Now he could communicate neither by speech, by gesture, nor liy I lie written word.

sort of alchemical renaissance re­vived

Hypothyroidism Treatment : Pharmacology labored to perfect scientific methods of testing old mid producing new remedies, and a sort of alchemical renaissance re­vived the medieval belief that against every ill there grows an herb. New dings mushroomed out of test tubes, some of ephemeral value only, l)iiI others of enduring and even miraculous properties.
But as the mass of detailed observation and experiment, of theory mid procedure, of scientific data, grew even larger, the individual physi-• became dwarfed before it. No one man could absorb so much knowledge and put it to use. Specialties sprang up in research, and in­evitably specialties sprang up in medical practice. With so much known mill so much yet to learn, it was all a man could do to keep abreast of iIn- new knowledge of a single organ or system of the body.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

experience and from laboratory ex­periment

Hypothyroidism : Fatigue is one of the most frequent of these warnings from the un­conscious. Fatigue without apparent physical cause, fatigue which often exists in the absence of any exertion whatever, is an experience which almost all of us have shared. Which of us has not known a moment of weariness, inertia, indifference—and which of us has not jumped up full of energy, our weariness forgotten, at the summons of a telephone call, provided it is the call we were waiting for?
We are on familiar terms with fatigue. The patient in a doctor's office speaks for millions with the words, "I don't know why, but I'm tired all the time." A man giving his case history says, "I was working too hard. I was overtired." Of one who succumbs we say, "He died of overwork. He wore himself out."
Yet we know both from daily experience and from laboratory ex­periment that a man or woman of average physical development can carry on heroic exertions over long periods of time with little or no rest, and yet suffer no greater fatigue than a night's sleep will repair. We have only to think of rescue workers in flood or earthquake, carry­ing on around the clock, often with the added emotional strain of fear for themselves or anxiety for their families.

seemed convinced and somewhat encouraged

Hypothyroidism Issues : I explained to him that the excitement of his experience with the dogs had apparently caused a spasm in certain arteries of the brain, which rest and treatment would cure. His face disclosed the fear that he had suffered a stroke, and to erase any doubt I explained the mean­ing of "spasm." He seemed convinced and somewhat encouraged.
My report to his son was optimistic, depending on developments in the next few days. We decided against moving the patient to a hospital. He passed a quiet night, and after a few days he began to show signs
of improvement.

exploring the relationship between mind body

We must learn to understand and respect the elementary forces within us if we wish to understand what makes illness.
Wu have examined two basic emotional reactions to stress. We have Keen that two groups of diseases emerge according to these two emo-lional patterns. But within each group of diseases, what brings on one disease rather than another?
The research of physicians exploring the relationship between mind body and my own experience and observations over the years have drought me to this significant conclusion: within the framework of the individual constitution, we ourselves choose the time of illness, the I uk! of illness, the course of illness, and its gravity.
Of course we do not make these choices consciously. We do not it-nxon ourselves into illness. The decisions are made in the unconscious court of judgment which sits, waking and sleeping, within us.
source :

Monday, August 10, 2009

Trouble with Love

Sexual difficulties of many kinds are evidence of the destructive at work. These disturbances are widespread; Kinsey reports that i maladjustments are a factor in perhaps three-fourths of the uppe marriages which end in separation or divorce.
Occasional or chronic loss of sexual power in a man is caused by diseases of the nervous system, but these cases are ran cept for these cases, sexual impotence is given a variety of famili planations. A man is told that he is run-down, that he is preoccupation pressing problems, that financial difficulties or family worries ai cause. These superficial explanations may be true as far as thi Specific pressures may have brought his inner difficulty to the s and caused impotence. But the real trouble goes deeper.
A youthful fear of venereal disease instilled by a fearful pai childish belief in the immorality of sex, engraved on the inn mind; an attachment to a mother which was never properly outj general fears of inadequacy; even a fear of impotence itself—the? other factors may unconsciously check or suppress entirely tin- i capacity for a pleasurable sexual relationship. Whatever its cans potency is a form which the destructive drive may take.