Monday, August 17, 2009

What are the hormones affect your skin?

The optimal hormonal balance - the key to a beautiful figure and healthy skin. Increasingly, however, found women with any problems arising from breach of hormone levels. Three types of glands in the body completely define the appearance of man:
1. Glands of external secretion emit sweat, sebum out.
2. Endocrine glands trigger substance directly into the blood, mixed them all over his body.
3. Gland secretions mixed (sexual and pancreas) have a double effect.
On the skin is influenced by many glands and their hormones:
1. Pituitary gland, located at the base of the skull makes female figure fine, affects the distribution of subcutaneous fat. In lowering its reduced development and other hormones, and because the skin becomes pale, dry, covered with wrinkles and loses its elasticity.
2. The thyroid gland is located in the larynx, and its work depends on the consumption of iodine. If the gland function following changes occur: increased sweating, the skin becomes sensitive to touch (the white and red spots, dermografizm), mostly vlazhneet and blushes. If you decline the work thyroid problems: skin becomes dry and rough, it appears flakes, hair fall out.
3. Pancreas head of insulin, and a violation of her work is the development of diabetes. In diabetic skin adhesive, and a pale, education tends to boil, with exposed areas capillaries.
4. Hormones or adrenal corticosteroids - the most important in terms of cosmetics because affect sexual maturation, the allergic reaction. When they start increasing the excess hair growth in women, leading to accumulation of fat on the back, abdomen and face. With their decline is severe weight loss and skin pigmentation.
5. Ovarian sex hormones are responsible for the development of sexual characteristics of women, rounded body, the proper deposition of fat in the hips, breast development. Lack of these hormones make the skin thin and tender, cover with cold hands and then affects the volatility of menstruation, reduces the development of mammary glands. Excess hormones, particularly male, resulting ovolosenie, development of muscles, excessive sebum.


  1. Hypothyroidism: Outdoor treatment should include a set antiseborrheic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, exfoliating, trofostimuliruyuschih (supply), anti-androgen, vasodilators. One of the most complex lines, which include a combination of all the necessary components

  2. Yeast Infection : Even with the 70-ies in different countries of the world was launched a mass vaccination campaign against influenza. Since these vaccinations repeatedly recognized the most useless. It is known that influenza virus has a huge number of subtypes, and continues to mutate. The vaccine, made today against one subtype may become absolutely useless tomorrow against another strain.
