Tuesday, August 11, 2009

seemed convinced and somewhat encouraged

Hypothyroidism Issues : I explained to him that the excitement of his experience with the dogs had apparently caused a spasm in certain arteries of the brain, which rest and treatment would cure. His face disclosed the fear that he had suffered a stroke, and to erase any doubt I explained the mean­ing of "spasm." He seemed convinced and somewhat encouraged.
My report to his son was optimistic, depending on developments in the next few days. We decided against moving the patient to a hospital. He passed a quiet night, and after a few days he began to show signs
of improvement.


  1. The explanation of his conduct is, of course, obvious. In the spring and summer, when he is creatively occupied, his inner conflict is stilled. Hut when the fall comes and creative work is ended, when he has noth­ing but the dull winter months of routine chores to look forward to, then his dissatisfaction rise to plague him and he escapes them via I he alcohol route.
    Certainly, as creatures of nature, we are affected by natural phe­nomena. Dogs bay at the moon, respectable house cats refuse to come home on moonlit nights, and somnambulists walk in their sleep under a full moon. Cattle become restless before a storm, and wild herds actually stampede

  2. A man easily angered is choleric, a word derived from the Greek root chol for bile; and a gloomy man suffers from melancholy, which is chol plus mela meaning black, or "black bile."

  3. The theory of the humors dominated medicine through the Middle Ages and into modern times, until it was abandoned in favor of Vir-chow's cellular pathology. The French physiologist Claude Bernard, studying the digestive juices, at the beginning of the last century dis­covered the functions of the liver and pancreas, and stated his belief that health depended on the milieu interior, the inner condition, by which he meant the balance of these fluids.

  4. Hypothyroidism: We know of at least 150 diseases are directly related to hair loss. Intensive hair loss can often be caused by any disease, proceeds with a high temperature. In this case, suddenly, after 2-3 months after the onset of hair loss begins and lasts for 2-4 months.

  5. Yeast Infection : According to Russian doctors, chronic fatigue syndrome suffers from almost everyone who works in the office. Patients with CFS decreased immunity in the body activated viruses - for example, Epstein - Barr virus, Coxsackie virus, herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, enteroviruses. All this greatly weakens the body, and the person feels very bad.
