Monday, August 17, 2009

Now is the time to leave, how to protect the chest from exposure to the sun?

- Lights should be morning or afternoon, be sure to dry bathing suit. Firstly to avoid pereohladit chest, and secondly, remember that ultraviolet rays are more attracted to wet bathing suits. As a physician, I must warn: before sunbathing topless, visit mammology and seek his permission.

- Can trauma provoke breast disease?

- Can. Even minimal trauma can trigger the occurrence of subsequent cancer. Any attacks, falls, accidental shocks - all of which can cause disease in the future.

- Does it matter which bra is a woman?

- Yes. Often, to visually enlarge breasts woman buys a bra for the size smaller. This leads to a small breasts bra stretched ligaments and it will lead to obvisaniyu, disturbed circulation and stagnation of blood occurs. Underwear should not interfere with breathing, squeezing the vessels. Women with large breast bra must be worn on a broad bretelkah. Breast should be borne in a cup, a shoulder should not constrain the movement and breath. During the fitting, make sure that the front and rear of the brassiere are at the same level. If you picked the right bra, it should not go up when you raise your hands. Carefully choose bra and sports. Otherwise, after some time, the fight against stretch marks.


  1. Hypothyroidism: It should be understood that the decisive role in the development of alopecia is not the absolute level of hormones, and the sensitivity of hair follicles to normal or elevated levels of androgens. A frequent companion of the disease is low iron stores (obvious, but often hidden forms zhelezodefitsita).

  2. Yeast Infection : Influenza is a typical and atypical (without a fever, intoxication, lightning). Cases of atypical influenza is usually sporadic, while the typical flu is rampant during epidemics.
