We must learn to understand and respect the elementary forces within us if we wish to understand what makes illness.
Wu have examined two basic emotional reactions to stress. We have Keen that two groups of diseases emerge according to these two emo-lional patterns. But within each group of diseases, what brings on one disease rather than another?
The research of physicians exploring the relationship between mind body and my own experience and observations over the years have drought me to this significant conclusion: within the framework of the individual constitution, we ourselves choose the time of illness, the I uk! of illness, the course of illness, and its gravity.
Of course we do not make these choices consciously. We do not it-nxon ourselves into illness. The decisions are made in the unconscious court of judgment which sits, waking and sleeping, within us.
source : www.hypothyroidism-treatment.com
In normal persons, basal metabolism reaches its peak of the year in the spring, and thyrotoxicosis—the disease of over-active thyroid—is most frequent in spring, least in fall. We also know that hot or cold temperature can change the basal metabolism by fifty to one hundred per cent.
ReplyDeleteIf the resurgent blossoming time of the earth is, as Hellpach says, instinctually stimulating, its opposite season is depressing.
ReplyDeleteTroubled souls are inclined to be despondent in the autumn. The end of growing things in the fall carries their spirits down to depression and often has a noticeable effect on their physical condition.
ReplyDeleteYears ago I had a neighbor, a hard-working farmer who in the spring and summer was a most responsible and respectable citizen. But on the day his field work was finished, his tools and machinery cleaned and put away, his sheds and barns made secure against the winter, this man began to drink.
ReplyDeleteHypothyroidism: Journal of Health considers that the matter be put right, and offers its program for transition to autumn. Include in the daily ritual of one or two bars of dark chocolate. Chocolate bracing, in addition, it contains a mass of trace elements, vitamin E, enhances the mood and physical activity, and even the polyphenols that protect against heart attack.
ReplyDeleteYeast Infection : How do the doctors say, fatigue - a natural phenomenon and is essential for the survival alarm. Fatigue becomes a pathology, if not disappear after the holidays.