Wednesday, August 12, 2009

sort of alchemical renaissance re­vived

Hypothyroidism Treatment : Pharmacology labored to perfect scientific methods of testing old mid producing new remedies, and a sort of alchemical renaissance re­vived the medieval belief that against every ill there grows an herb. New dings mushroomed out of test tubes, some of ephemeral value only, l)iiI others of enduring and even miraculous properties.
But as the mass of detailed observation and experiment, of theory mid procedure, of scientific data, grew even larger, the individual physi-• became dwarfed before it. No one man could absorb so much knowledge and put it to use. Specialties sprang up in research, and in­evitably specialties sprang up in medical practice. With so much known mill so much yet to learn, it was all a man could do to keep abreast of iIn- new knowledge of a single organ or system of the body.


  1. Tiredness without exertion is a sign that energies are being used up in an inner struggle between self-destruction and the will to live.

  2. Illness is an unconscious temporary surrender of the will to live.

  3. Repeated illness is a form of slow suicide.

  4. Hypothyroidism: Even during the ancient Greek doctor was well aware that any man who has reached puberty may start balding, if only he had not been castrated at an early age. An interesting fact that hair loss may have been neutered and young people, in that case, if the operation occurred after puberty.

  5. Yeast Infection : In Russia to treat not the CFS, and its manifestations: from viruses fight antiviral drugs, depression, trying to win antidepressants, sleeping pills affects of insomnia. People with CFS advised to lead a healthy lifestyle and use vitamins.
